How to reach the Apartments Birkenhof in Zell im Zillertal
In addition to the car you can reach the Zillertal by train and bus. The nearest train station is Jenbach. From there you can take the Zillertal Railway or Busses to Zell am Ziller.
So you find us in Zell im Zillertal
Take the B 169 to the Exit Zell Mitte; turn right at the crossroads towards the center, then immediately right again into the Gaudergasse; After 200 m you have reached the Birkenhof and the holiday can start!
Arrival by car to Zell im Zillertal
from North (DE, NL, BE, DK, PL, etc.)
Without a vignette over Achensee or via the federal road from Kiefersfelden - Wörgl - Rattenberg
from East (AT, CZ, SK, HU, etc.)
from West or Southwest (IT, CH, FR etc.)
Plan ahead - Before starting your journey, use a Route planner to find the optimal path for your drive. Ensure you select the option for the fastest route without excluding any roads or allow your car's navigation system to choose the best route - including toll roads. This helps save time and contributes to alleviating congestion on heavily used detour routes like the B 181 at Achensee. The toll required for the use of the A12 is digital and available as a day pass (€ 8.50 for cars - see
Please note the following information for your arrival:
- Arrival:
- Please let me know your estimated time of arrival!
- When you arrive, please ring the family Hotter or call +43 664 88592708 (Hotter Hubert)!
- On the spot we will give you the key for the apartment or you get the Information where to find the key.
- Registration:
- You will receive an email with a link before arrival. For a quick login, click on the link and enter the personal data.
- On your arrival the balance of your booking will be charged. Please make sure that you are able to pay in cash or with card (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Maestro, EC, UnionPay, Bankcard) .
- Please bring:
- In our apartments, the linen and a large and a small towel is provided per person and stay.
- Please bring your own additional towels or you can rent on site.
- Crockery, cleaning utensils and toilet paper are available for your arrival day. Please take the necessary consumables with you or get yourself in Zell am Ziller.
Our location in Zell im Zillertal
Holiday Apartments Birkenhof, Zell am Ziller